Sunday, June 14, 2015

Backbone.js Tutorials

Backbone.js Tutorials:

Globaldev coding standards
There are general programming principles, security principles, code review principal etc

Composition aggregation association

Composition - one obj is part of another. One does not exists outside another
Aggregation - one object uses another ( setters dependency injection)
Temporary assosiation ( method param , return value)

Delegation ?
Weak/strong assotiation

Books to check out

From habrahabr

Coding best practices and antipatterns

Add here robs articles he sent to dv@estidesign
Thourally anilyze article outline main ideas

Friday, June 12, 2015

ADP's Inovation Labs second interview

Прошло второе интервью в ADP. На мой взгля удачнее чем первое.

Interview questions:

General questions:
1. Tell me about yourself.
2. Question about previous job, working experience.
   What are you doing there?
   What are your role there?
    What stack you use?
     Most challenging thing you dealt with?
     Most exiting ...?
     What product(s) you developing now on you current job?
     What is(are) it(their) architecture ?


Language specific

3. console.log(1)
    setTimeout(function() { console.log(2)}, 2000)
    setTimeout(function() { console.log(3)}, 0)
4. Give me definition of closure

5. var arr = [1,2,3,4]
    for (var i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {
        setTimeout(function() {
             console.log(i+1, arr[i])
        }, 1000)

  What it will output.
  After you give answer.
  How to solve the issue.
  Clue: do you familiar with term immediately-invoked function

Algorithmic Questions

6. Given array ansorted distinct with all elemnts from range 1..99. One number is missing.
    Find out which one.
    Possible question if you use brute force methods: how to optimize and reduce run
    If using sorting which algorithm. What is it complexity.

Patterns Methodology Paradigms Concepts

7. Do you familiar with callback hell term?
     How can you deal with it?

Architecture Questions

8. Related to designing Resfull APIs (question based on my resume and working experience)
How did you solve api versioning problem in your api?
What are http methods
When you use POST, PUT
What difference of passing params btw GET and POST
If you need to get something from db can you use POST method

9. What are advantages of using node.js ?

10. What diff btw relational and not relational db. Props cons? In which cases would you use non relational dbs.

11. How many processes threads node js use when processing multiple requests ?

12. Have u ever made a decisions what technology choose in your project ?
What it was ? Why ?

Devop Questions

13. Do you have devops skills
Do you use Task Runner like Grunt ? 

14. What deployment system do you use?

General final questions.
15. What makes you good candidate for this position
16. How do you see your future as a professional
    In what areas, directions you see yourself going, growing as a professional
17. What are qualities, flaws you thing you should work on.

18. Do you have any questions to me ?


Thursday, June 11, 2015

Spanning tree


Algorithms: Tree traversal, Depth-first-search (DFS), Breadth-first-search (BFS)

Q: how to invert binary tree?
DO:  pascal triangle problems
DO: cases using stacks
DO:Graph algs
LRN: Quick sort, insert sort, bobble sort, selection sort, binary tree search
graph search.     

Code Katas

Code katas:

Also see
how to get job in facebook
Code problems: