Saturday, January 31, 2015


Разработать итрерфейс для sms сообщений который будет перенаправляться в REST-full API

REST: some-app/books/find?author='Tolstoy'&name='Voina i Mir'
SMS: some-app.books.find author: Tolstoy name: Voina i Mir

- Use google voice as sms gate.

- Bind phone and app and bind incomming phone with user

- Think how to deal with captchas ? Dbc?

- Use YAML as basic syntax for requests and function data schema defenitions.

-  Response will be sent back to the same number in YAML like format

-  User ruby function call syntax:

E.g: name: Onegin, author: Pushkin, note: This is a very good book. | I realy liked it.

| - new line symbol.

- Possible use of other sms gateways

- Implement the same for email. same sintax. Bind email and

- Sdelat' mobile app

- Try other sms gates


Try to make watsup-rest proxy, facebook-rest proxy, vk-rest proxy

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Naming conventions: camelCase versus underscore_case ? what are your thoughts about it? - Programmers Stack Exchange

Source>> stackexchange forum


I do a lot of development in CakePHP, and I use either CamelCase or $underscored_vars, in the following fashion (even outside CakePHP Projects):
  1. filenames — /lowercased_underscored.php Typical, but worth mentioning.
  2. classes — class CamelCase extends ParentObject. Note that, when using CamelCase, the initial character is not lowercase. I find camelCase to look really weird.
  3. variables — $are_variables_underscored === TRUE;
  4. variables that hold instances — $CamelCase = new CamelCase(); //seen it in qb lib but in some languages like ruby everything is a class
  5. array keys — $collection['underscored_keys'];
  6. constants — I think everyone can agree that constants should be ALL_CAPS_AND_UNDERSCORED.
  7. methods — $CamelCase->foo_method_underscored();
  8. static methods — CamelCase::just_like_regular_methods();

Some comment: Absolutely agree it bothers me too

have to agree with you, having the first character be lower case drives me crazy! I hate camelCase with a passion. –  HLGEM Jan 6 '11 at 22:00

For programming languages I've used, like Java, Python, C++, I've adopted a clear format:
  • ClassNamesArePascalCase
  • methodNamesAreCamalCase
  • variable_names_are_underscore
  • _private_variable_names_are_prefixed_with_an_underscore 

End Source>> stackexchange forum

Another aspect of naming convention is words order:
1. ModelCallReport or CallReportModel
create_date  or  date_create
In PHP main principle of global function creation in having one prefix for same group of functions
It makes it easier to search them
Class methods:
1. call to action notation - first word is action in lower case then camel case

2. No action method naming
     I like when lower case part is either proverb or adjective 

   In method camel case first lwcase word should be specification 
   and last one the most general one eg (object type)

1. Javascript style
      function onSaveHanlder

2. PHP/Ruby style


1. hyphen/slug style
   id="header-container-section" // logic structure: first root element then child then child-child

2. camel

3. Bootstrap style (spesialization frist the most general)
   class="btn btn-sm btn-default"  // logic structure: type then size the color

Some people use camel case for css I dond like it 


In general I like ruby naming convention and ruby approach for naming:
  -conciseness (short better then long without lose of clarity)

Not sure about snake case methods: I would use it only for properties instead of getter setter
Private fields should be prefixed with underscore :
    eg:  private $_items;