Thursday, December 10, 2015

Визуализация на монотонном фоне

Пример: стена из белого кафеля мелкими квадратиками
props: проще визуализировать

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Fallacies of distributed computing - Wikipedia

Fallacies of distributed computing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

The fallacies of distributed computing are a set of assumptions that L Peter Deutsch and others at Sun Microsystems originally asserted programmers new to distributedapplications invariably make. These assumptions ultimately prove false, resulting either in the failure of the system, a substantial reduction in system scope, or in large, unplanned expenses required to redesign the system to meet its original goals.

The fallacies are summarized below:
  1. The network is reliable.
  2. Latency is zero.
  3. Bandwidth is infinite.
  4. The network is secure.
  5. Topology doesn't change.
  6. There is one administrator.
  7. Transport cost is zero.
  8. The network is homogeneous.

1.2. Why CouchDB? — Apache CouchDB 1.6 Documentation

1.2. Why CouchDB? — Apache CouchDB 1.6 Documentation:

'via Blog this'

The Seven Wastes of Software Development

The Seven Wastes of Software Development:
Mary and Tom Poppendieck later translated these seven wastes into "The Seven Wastes of Software Development":
  1. Partially Done Work
  2. Extra Features
  3. Relearning
  4. Handoffs
  5. Delays
  6. Task Switching
  7. Defects

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

TODO: Create list of 10 algorithms to implement every 6 month

Create list of 10 favorite algorithms to implement every 3-6 month.
Implement in different languages.
Implement every n month
Notice/review changes in implementation speed quality.
Publish on github

TODO: Create list of non trivial programming to implement every 6 month

Create list of 10 non trivial programming problems to implement
Implement them in different languages.
Save impl in github
Re-implement every 3-6 month. Review changes in implementation.

Started mongodb and node js course at mongo university

This is my 2nd or 3rd attempt on that course

Started course Algorithms Design And Analysis Part 1 (Stanford)

This is my 3rd attempt to complete this course

Sunday, September 27, 2015

AppNexus meetup

AppNexus meetup

akka model

other concurency models
futures (no state)

actor is persistent (exist even dont do anything )
has internal state
create actors
receive messages and do something
send message
process 1 message at a time (has inbox queue)

w: mutex (lock)
w: race conditions

'Best effort' delivery
at-most-once delivery
message can take arbitrary long time to deliver
no message order garantee

Has address
indentifies an actor or balancer
may represent  proxy forwarder or actor
location transperency
address can be remote
actor can have many addresses

supervision - monitors state of actor (usually other actor)

Supervision tree
address dont change on restart
mailbox is persistent outside of actor
you can kill actor and inbox will be persistent

use cases:
processing pipeline
streaming data
multi-user concurrency
system hight uptime requirements (ericson)
apps with shared state

breaking up the work for many actors

anti-use cases:
performance critical applications
non concurrent
synchronous and stateless

Coding standards globaldev

globaldev/standards · GitHub:

Monday, September 7, 2015

ES6 - Next Javascript

1. Proper tail call (recursion without using caller scope)
tail call - last instruction should be a fun without using caller scope
close call
tail position
max recursion number ~10,000 in ES5

2. Temporal Temp Zone- trows error

3. google traceur-compiler
there is cmd tool

4. Rest parameters
fun (a, b, {

4. Spead operator

5. Distructing object
let {name, age} = obj;
fun({name, age}) {}

5.1 Refutable pattern:
let {name:firstName = 'Unknown', age, ?phone} = user;
let ?{name, age, pone} = user;

#irefutable/refutable  - undeclared, undefined

let ?{x:a=1} = undefined
let {?x:a=1} = {}

5.2 Destructing array
in method signature:  fun([a, b,]) {}
var [a, b, ?c] = [1,2];
var ?[a, c] = [];

6. Arrow functions 

Laravel vagrant laravel/homestead (ssh issue)

trying to ssh, ssh timeout, password was not set for vagrant username

cred: vagrant@vagrant

config.ssh.username = 'vagrant'
config.ssh.password = 'vagrant'
config.ssh.insert_key = 'true'  #this will insert public ssh key to authorized_hosts

Friday, July 24, 2015 - NY JavaScript Meetup  - преподавание детям в школах программирования (from NY JavaScript Meetup , Andrew from ). Работа волонтера.

!! Хорошо для саморазвития
!! Можно познакомиться с интересными полезными профессионалами энтузиастами, NY JavaScript Meetup - интересный ресурс.

Доступны различные курсы (workshops)
Для этого надо устоновить package: npm install -g <workshop name>

Запустить: <workshop name> -l en
Прочитеть описание задания и теорию
Выполнить задание
Проверить задание: >/  <workshop name> verify program.js

!! Если не копировать задания а перепечатывать развивает внимательность и лучше все запоминается. 

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Meetup NY Javascript / Node School


Sunday, June 14, 2015

Backbone.js Tutorials

Backbone.js Tutorials:

Globaldev coding standards
There are general programming principles, security principles, code review principal etc

Composition aggregation association

Composition - one obj is part of another. One does not exists outside another
Aggregation - one object uses another ( setters dependency injection)
Temporary assosiation ( method param , return value)

Delegation ?
Weak/strong assotiation

Books to check out

From habrahabr

Coding best practices and antipatterns

Add here robs articles he sent to dv@estidesign
Thourally anilyze article outline main ideas

Friday, June 12, 2015

ADP's Inovation Labs second interview

Прошло второе интервью в ADP. На мой взгля удачнее чем первое.

Interview questions:

General questions:
1. Tell me about yourself.
2. Question about previous job, working experience.
   What are you doing there?
   What are your role there?
    What stack you use?
     Most challenging thing you dealt with?
     Most exiting ...?
     What product(s) you developing now on you current job?
     What is(are) it(their) architecture ?


Language specific

3. console.log(1)
    setTimeout(function() { console.log(2)}, 2000)
    setTimeout(function() { console.log(3)}, 0)
4. Give me definition of closure

5. var arr = [1,2,3,4]
    for (var i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {
        setTimeout(function() {
             console.log(i+1, arr[i])
        }, 1000)

  What it will output.
  After you give answer.
  How to solve the issue.
  Clue: do you familiar with term immediately-invoked function

Algorithmic Questions

6. Given array ansorted distinct with all elemnts from range 1..99. One number is missing.
    Find out which one.
    Possible question if you use brute force methods: how to optimize and reduce run
    If using sorting which algorithm. What is it complexity.

Patterns Methodology Paradigms Concepts

7. Do you familiar with callback hell term?
     How can you deal with it?

Architecture Questions

8. Related to designing Resfull APIs (question based on my resume and working experience)
How did you solve api versioning problem in your api?
What are http methods
When you use POST, PUT
What difference of passing params btw GET and POST
If you need to get something from db can you use POST method

9. What are advantages of using node.js ?

10. What diff btw relational and not relational db. Props cons? In which cases would you use non relational dbs.

11. How many processes threads node js use when processing multiple requests ?

12. Have u ever made a decisions what technology choose in your project ?
What it was ? Why ?

Devop Questions

13. Do you have devops skills
Do you use Task Runner like Grunt ? 

14. What deployment system do you use?

General final questions.
15. What makes you good candidate for this position
16. How do you see your future as a professional
    In what areas, directions you see yourself going, growing as a professional
17. What are qualities, flaws you thing you should work on.

18. Do you have any questions to me ?


Thursday, June 11, 2015

Spanning tree


Algorithms: Tree traversal, Depth-first-search (DFS), Breadth-first-search (BFS)

Q: how to invert binary tree?
DO:  pascal triangle problems
DO: cases using stacks
DO:Graph algs
LRN: Quick sort, insert sort, bobble sort, selection sort, binary tree search
graph search.     

Code Katas

Code katas:

Also see
how to get job in facebook
Code problems:

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Top-5 certifications for every PHP programmer | A day in the life of…

Top-5 certifications for every PHP programmer | A day in the life of…: "Zend PHP 5
Linux LPI 101
Linux LPI 102
Ubuntu LPI 199
Zend PHP 5.3
Zend Framework
Linux LPI 201
Linux LPI 202
MySQL 5.0 developer I
MySQL 5.0 developer II
MySQL 5.0 administrator I
MySQL 5.0 administrator II"

'via Blog this'

Code Review Best Practices

9 Anti-Patterns Every Programmer Should Be Aware Of

Test for geeks PHP MySQL Javascript (71%)


Sunday, May 10, 2015

Sheduling artisan commands

Find app/console/Kernel.php@shedule method
Artisan CLI - Laravel - The PHP Framework For Web Artisans: " Guzzle 5 "

guzzle/guzzle - Php library for http request inclidng async

Used in Laravel 5


Monday, May 4, 2015

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Scala Language

Saturday, May 2, 2015


$15.000 semester
Node.js/express Angular, html5, CSS3

Thursday, April 30, 2015

php - Calling the variable property directly vs getter/setters - OOP Design - Stack Overflow

php - Calling the variable property directly vs getter/setters - OOP Design - Stack Overflow:

abstract class Object
    public function __call($method, $args)
        $key = '_' . strtolower(substr($method, 3, 1)) . substr($method, 4);
        $value = isset($args[0]) ? $args[0] : null;
        switch (substr($method, 0, 3)) {
            case 'get':
                if (property_exists($this, $key)) {
                    return $this->$key;

            case 'set':
                if (property_exists($this, $key)) {
                    $this->$key = $value;
                    return $this;

            case 'has':
                return property_exists($this, $key);

        throw new Exception('Method "' . $method . '" does not exist and was not trapped in __call()');


Resume Structure

Work Experience

Skill Used 
My resume

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Learning JavaScript Design Patterns


Events vs Hooks

Events vs Hooks
Hooks loose coupling, event - tight coupling.
Hooks: generic api for all hooks

Hooking - In computer programming, the term hooking covers a range of techniques used to alter or augment the behavior of an operating system, of applications, or of other software components by intercepting function calls or messages or events passed between software components. Code that handles such intercepted function calls, events or messages is called a "hook".
Usefull script for querring all columns from table
WHERE table_name = 'customer'

Projects to implement (from ESTI)

1. Create library for reports based on eloquent. and subscr reports
2. Library for auto-reports
3. Library for configs based on qb integration configs: array, yml, mixed, with extension and aggre
4. How to use Laravel event standalone
5. Laravel Events like in qb integration. traits. class::on(), class::fire(); class event subscriber
6. Create class for periods based on carbon: with iteration; formatting; etc
ORM Models field types.

Computed fields: eg wiki page stores html
Virtual fields: lambda that calc field from other fields, analog of Eloquent field modificators

I would call Virtual as calculated.

Eloquent: field modificators geter/setter
Start/Stop mysql and apach


c:\apache\bin\httpd -k shutdown
c:\apache\bin\httpd -k shutdown

c:\mysql\bin\mysqladmin -u root shutdown

Via Win Services
net start Apache2
net start MySQL
Programming principals

DB notmal forms

Floyd–Warshall algorithm

Thursday, February 12, 2015

JavaScript Patterns

var a = 1
    , b = 2
    , sum = a + b
    , myobject = {}
    , i
    , j;

var global = (function () {
    return this || (1, eval)('this');

var getData = function getData () {

Saturday, January 31, 2015


Разработать итрерфейс для sms сообщений который будет перенаправляться в REST-full API

REST: some-app/books/find?author='Tolstoy'&name='Voina i Mir'
SMS: some-app.books.find author: Tolstoy name: Voina i Mir

- Use google voice as sms gate.

- Bind phone and app and bind incomming phone with user

- Think how to deal with captchas ? Dbc?

- Use YAML as basic syntax for requests and function data schema defenitions.

-  Response will be sent back to the same number in YAML like format

-  User ruby function call syntax:

E.g: name: Onegin, author: Pushkin, note: This is a very good book. | I realy liked it.

| - new line symbol.

- Possible use of other sms gateways

- Implement the same for email. same sintax. Bind email and

- Sdelat' mobile app

- Try other sms gates


Try to make watsup-rest proxy, facebook-rest proxy, vk-rest proxy

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Naming conventions: camelCase versus underscore_case ? what are your thoughts about it? - Programmers Stack Exchange

Source>> stackexchange forum


I do a lot of development in CakePHP, and I use either CamelCase or $underscored_vars, in the following fashion (even outside CakePHP Projects):
  1. filenames — /lowercased_underscored.php Typical, but worth mentioning.
  2. classes — class CamelCase extends ParentObject. Note that, when using CamelCase, the initial character is not lowercase. I find camelCase to look really weird.
  3. variables — $are_variables_underscored === TRUE;
  4. variables that hold instances — $CamelCase = new CamelCase(); //seen it in qb lib but in some languages like ruby everything is a class
  5. array keys — $collection['underscored_keys'];
  6. constants — I think everyone can agree that constants should be ALL_CAPS_AND_UNDERSCORED.
  7. methods — $CamelCase->foo_method_underscored();
  8. static methods — CamelCase::just_like_regular_methods();

Some comment: Absolutely agree it bothers me too

have to agree with you, having the first character be lower case drives me crazy! I hate camelCase with a passion. –  HLGEM Jan 6 '11 at 22:00

For programming languages I've used, like Java, Python, C++, I've adopted a clear format:
  • ClassNamesArePascalCase
  • methodNamesAreCamalCase
  • variable_names_are_underscore
  • _private_variable_names_are_prefixed_with_an_underscore 

End Source>> stackexchange forum

Another aspect of naming convention is words order:
1. ModelCallReport or CallReportModel
create_date  or  date_create
In PHP main principle of global function creation in having one prefix for same group of functions
It makes it easier to search them
Class methods:
1. call to action notation - first word is action in lower case then camel case

2. No action method naming
     I like when lower case part is either proverb or adjective 

   In method camel case first lwcase word should be specification 
   and last one the most general one eg (object type)

1. Javascript style
      function onSaveHanlder

2. PHP/Ruby style


1. hyphen/slug style
   id="header-container-section" // logic structure: first root element then child then child-child

2. camel

3. Bootstrap style (spesialization frist the most general)
   class="btn btn-sm btn-default"  // logic structure: type then size the color

Some people use camel case for css I dond like it 


In general I like ruby naming convention and ruby approach for naming:
  -conciseness (short better then long without lose of clarity)

Not sure about snake case methods: I would use it only for properties instead of getter setter
Private fields should be prefixed with underscore :
    eg:  private $_items;